New CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 CAD Software

New CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 CAD Software

August 22, 2022 - Azle, Texas, USA. CAD-MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS, INC. announces a new CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 version.

CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 focuses on new view and visualization productivity tools: visualize cross-sections of a model, walking or flying through models, view cube, view and visual style controls.

And more:
Startup suites; exporting to .obj files; importing map files by connecting to PostgreSQL, MySQL, and WFS servers, isolating, hiding, and unisolating entities, Facet Model Pipe, Hatch Generate Boundary, Match Cell, improvements can be seen in data links, tables, geographic location setup, the Publish command, and a new Visualize ribbon tab

The New CMS IntelliCAD 11 installers can now be downloaded from the DOWNLOAD section of this website.

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CAD Manufacturing Solutions Inc.

Highly experienced in construction, manufacturing, industry, projects development, management and design, the people behind CAD-Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. have been dedicated to the development of design solutions for CAD & Manufacturing software for more than 30 years.